Consent and Certification:(Required) I agree to the following:
I, the undersigned, being the parent or legal guardian of the youth named above, do hereby consent to the participation of my youth in all the scheduled youth activities and/or sporting events of Camp New Beginnings, a ministry of Immanuel Baptist Church. I also understand that the organizers, leaders, staff, or churches will not be held liable for any injuries incurred or loss of property as a result of my child’s attendance and participation in this camp. Further, I certify that my youth is physically fit and adequately prepared to participate in all recreational and sporting events.
Medical Treatment Authorization(Required) I agree to the following:
I understand that I will be notified in the case of a medical emergency. However, in the event that I cannot be reached, I authorize the calling of a doctor and the providing of necessary medical services in the event that my youth is injured or becomes ill. I authorize the director or camp nurse to make emergency medical care decisions on behalf of my youth and will be responsible for the financial liability of said care, if required by law or a health care provider. Furthermore, I will not hold Camp New Beginnings, its parent organization, or designated staff liable in case of injury or death associated with their activities.